In web development, there are two popular architectural styles for building APIs: GraphQL, a query-based API that allows clients to request exactly what they need, and REST, an architectural style that uses predefined, stateless operations.
But, which is the better option in 2024, GraphQL or REST?
Understanding their differences is crucial when choosing the right option for your project. In this blog post, we'll dive into 5 main distinctions between GraphQL and REST to help you select the best choice for the success of your project.
1. Data Fetching:
REST: It relies on predefined endpoints to access resources. Each endpoint typically represents a specific entity or collection, and the client must send multiple requests to different endpoints to collect all the required data, which can result in too much or too little data being retrieved, leading to inefficiencies.
REST is suitable when you have a small-scale application with limited resources and simple data retrieval needs. It works well for static websites or basic CRUD operations.
GraphQL: Provides a single endpoint allowing clients to request the needed data. The client queries the GraphQL server and specifies the required fields, relationships, and nested data structures. The server responds with a JSON object that matches the form of the query, reducing the amount of data transmitted over the network.
GraphQL benefits applications with complex data requirements, multiple relationships and varying data structures. It excels when you need to fetch data efficiently, reduce over-fetching and under-fetching, and provide fine-grained control over data retrieval.
2. Flexible Data Query:
REST: Has fixed data structures defined by the server. The server determines the form and content of the response so that only the required data can be retrieved. This can result in the client receiving more data than necessary, increasing bandwidth consumption.
REST is useful when you have a fixed data structure, and the server determines the response format. It is appropriate for cases where you only need specific data, and the fixed structure aligns with your requirements.
GraphQL: With GraphQL, clients have fine-grained control over the data they receive. Clients can specify exactly the fields they need, eliminating unnecessary data transfers. This flexibility enables efficient data retrieval and reduces over-fetching.
GraphQL shines when you want to give clients the ability to define the fields and relationships they need precisely. It is valuable for clients with diverse data requirements, and the flexibility to request specific data is crucial.
3. Versioning:
REST: Versioning is often achieved by appending a version number to the API endpoint, which can lead to multiple versions of the API coexisting simultaneously, requiring careful maintenance and potentially resulting in compatibility issues.
It is commonly used in REST to manage API changes. It is suitable when maintaining multiple API versions simultaneously and ensuring backward compatibility with existing clients.
GraphQL: It avoids versioning by design. Clients can request specific fields and their versions without impacting existing queries. The server can evolve its schema over time, deprecating old fields or adding new ones without breaking existing client implementations.
GraphQL is a good choice when you want to avoid explicit versioning and prefer a more flexible approach. It allows you to evolve the schema gradually, deprecate fields, and introduce new ones without breaking existing client implementations.
4. Strong Typing and Documentation:
REST: Typically lacks strict typing and relies on external documentation to explain the available endpoints, request/response formats, and available parameters. This documentation can be prone to inconsistencies and may not be up to date.
It is appropriate for cases with limited endpoints, and the documentation can be managed effectively.
GraphQL: Has a built-in type system that defines the available data and operations. The type system enables self-documenting APIs, as the schema serves as a single source of truth. Clients can browse the schema to discover available fields and their types, making it easier to understand and consume the API.
It is useful when you have a larger API with many fields and operations and want to provide developers with a clear and concise structure.
5. Over-fetching and Under-fetching:
REST: Over-fetching or under-fetching often occurs with APIs. Over-fetching occurs when the server returns more data than necessary, wasting bandwidth and processing power. Underfetching occurs when the client has to make multiple requests to gather all the data it needs, resulting in increased latency.
REST is suitable when the data requirements are straightforward and the trade-off between over-fetching and under-fetching is acceptable.
GraphQL: GraphQL solves the problem of over-fetching and under-fetching by allowing clients to specify their data requirements in a single request. Reducing the number of requests required minimizes data transfer and enhances performance.
It is valuable when you have complex data needs and want to optimize data transfer and overall performance.
When to use them?
Choosing the right architectural style can be decisive for the success of your project. That’s why we give you some suggestions on when to use them:
Use cases where GraphQL is better suited:
- Real-time applications: If you need real-time updates or subscriptions, such as chat applications, real-time analytics dashboards, or collaborative editing tools, GraphQL's ability to deliver live updates efficiently makes it a strong choice.
- Mobile applications: GraphQL's ability to request specific data requirements tailored to mobile device screens can be advantageous for optimizing network usage and reducing battery consumption.
- Complex and evolving data requirements: If your application has complex data relationships or evolving data requirements, GraphQL's flexible querying capabilities can simplify data retrieval, reducing the need for multiple API endpoints or versioning.
- Microservices architecture: In a microservices environment where multiple services or data sources need to be aggregated into a single API, GraphQL's ability to retrieve data from different sources in a single request can be beneficial.
Use cases where REST is better suited:
- Caching-intensive applications: If your application heavily relies on caching to improve performance and reduce server load, REST's built-in HTTP caching mechanisms provide more straightforward support.
- Existing RESTful APIs: If you're working with an existing RESTful API and the cost and effort required to migrate to GraphQL outweigh the benefits, sticking with REST might be a more practical choice.
- Simple CRUD operations: For simple Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations where data relationships are straightforward and there is less need for complex querying capabilities, REST's simplicity and familiarity can be sufficient.
- Resource-oriented architecture: If your application's data model aligns naturally with a resource-oriented architecture, where resources are exposed as URLs and are easily manipulated with standard HTTP methods, REST may be a better fit.
Wrapping up:
While it's important to consider your project's specific requirements when choosing between GraphQL and REST for your web development projects, understanding the differences is crucial. While REST has its merits, the benefits of GraphQL in terms of efficient data fetching, flexibility, and ease of use make it an increasingly compelling choice. Whether building complex applications with evolving data needs or seeking enhanced performance and productivity, GraphQL provides a powerful alternative to traditional REST APIs.
With its strong typing and self-documenting capabilities, GraphQL provides a clear and concise API structure, enhancing developer productivity and ease of understanding. And that's where Composabase comes in. It simplifies the integration of existing data sources and enables you to obtain a production-ready GraphQL API quickly. Its composable architecture further enhances your app with ready-to-use features such as cache and security, saving you time and effort.
Read here our article "GraphQL vs REST in 2024 for a deeper comparison between these two API architectures.
And if you want to learn everything about GraphQL and the state of modern API integration, click here to visit our comprehensive guides on the topic.